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Old Aug 14, 2005, 08:18 AM // 08:18   #1
Desert Nomad
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Default The Collective "I gave away stuff for free" thread!

Today someone in Lion's Arch Dis 6 was spamming "Need gold even 10 dollars will help me I'm poor please give me money!" so I run over and give this guy 600 gold. He maessages me "Need gold even 10 dollars will help me I'm poor please give me money" like he was spamming and then says "thanks".

He then continued to spam the same messsage for 10 minutes.


A nice player named Athena Rivanna was handing out Stormbows to anyone who came to her. I got one and then went to Dis 6 and gave it to a level 15 ^^

Most of the people running to get them had Granite 15k armor o.o

Post your give aways here and get a tax refund on Superior Mesmer runes!!
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 08:21 AM // 08:21   #2
Lion's Arch Merchant
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My guild, BRA, hosts huge item giveaways every so often, giving away a bunch of stuff from minor runes to max damage fellblades. We never give gold though, just drops.
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 09:00 AM // 09:00   #3
Lion's Arch Merchant
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Max Damge Purple Spatha
Max Damage Purple War Hammer
Near Max Damage Gold Axe
NM Chaos Axe
MD Shadow Bow
Superior Necro Rune(forget which)
Materials left and right
Rare materials every now and then

Don't need the stuff and don't feel like trading.
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 09:04 AM // 09:04   #4
Lion's Arch Merchant
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iQ giveaways and the iQ test.
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 09:34 AM // 09:34   #5
Ascalonian Squire
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i think i gave someone a yellow dye once :P haha
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 09:36 AM // 09:36   #6
Frost Gate Guardian
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I gave a couple black dyes away today.
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 09:39 AM // 09:39   #7
Desert Nomad
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Some guy was asking in Tombs Dis 1 if someone could give him some money to buy a guild hall and I gave him 20k.
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 09:39 AM // 09:39   #8
Wilds Pathfinder
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I give my time unto those who need it.... mainly cos i have no money ^^
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 09:41 AM // 09:41   #9
Krytan Explorer
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i just do hand outs in ascalon to newbs who might need it with stuff i dont feel like selling.i hate when i try giving a good low req wep to the first person to come to me and its a lvl 20 with 15k armor.shows how greedy some are.
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 09:46 AM // 09:46   #10
Ascalonian Squire
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yeah, i give away weapons and stuff, but most things get salvaged or sold to merchant. have no time to trade.
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 09:47 AM // 09:47   #11
Wilds Pathfinder
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i dont do many handouts, handed out lots of bows, max damamge or close, and gold every so often, but i do remember in my earlier days when i needed the extra gold to finish my set of armor somone would always gave it to me
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 02:52 PM // 14:52   #12
Wilds Pathfinder
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Gave away 20k so a guy could buy a sigil for his guild. They were halfway there.
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 03:05 PM // 15:05   #13
Academy Page
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I am giving away stuff only for guildmates (nothing left for others). Now I have empty storage and in my inventory is only Exp. Salvage and Identify kit. Wanna rent some space ?
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 03:07 PM // 15:07   #14
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i gave away 12k to a necro guy, because i was bored, and he needed 12k for boots :|
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 05:13 PM // 17:13   #15
Ascalonian Squire
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I give away my services when I'm able. I'm not a rich player nor do I luck-out on good drops, but I'm more than willing to simply give someone an extra axer/nuker/healer when they really need it =)
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 06:11 PM // 18:11   #16
Lion's Arch Merchant
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I gave a away 3 max dmg purple bows with other mods and 2 purple max dmg swords to a
lvl 6 that just started the game. I also gave away 3 purple fiery dragon swords to someone just because i knew they would need it more then me needing 100 gold.
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 06:36 PM // 18:36   #17
Frost Gate Guardian
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lol ask Dark wind of Death ;D i made his day by cleaning out my pouches on him,gave him like 4 superior runes,6 majors including absorption and 2 vigors. 2-3 eternal max dmg bows,eternal shields,rare materials and upgrades. I was sick of having a full inven. and some storm bows.
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 06:56 PM // 18:56   #18
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I've been known to give away runes and weapons to all my guild mates and friends. Sometimes out of the goodness of my heart, and sometimes because my damn inventory is full
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 07:01 PM // 19:01   #19
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Give away inventories of max weapons...or used to before I got poor again, gave away 200k split amongst various low lvl players in ascalon city. (That's why I'm poor again.)
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Old Aug 14, 2005, 07:09 PM // 19:09   #20
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I go to piken and give away low req weapons when I get a full stock,I guess the best thing Ive given away is a few chaos axes and some near max bows with some decent mods,just the other night in ascalon I saw a warrior wanting to buy a lower level sword,in his trade messege he said he couldnt pay more than 500 gold,several people proceeded to flame him pretty badly I might add,so I found him and opened the trade and gave him one of the collector swords,he tried to offer me the 500 but I told him to keep it,after all he was still wearing pre sear armor,I found him later in the same district and gave him 250 iron,I now have a new friend to help level up into a strong ally
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